Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sparky Lock Screen apk FREE download

Sparky Lock Screen is a smart screen locker,lets you completely change your smartphone Lock Screen!

Features of Sparky Lock:-

  1. - State of the art themes: design, creativity and usability!
  2. - Easy and fast: one touch setup!
  3. - No extra download needed!
  4. - Optimized performance!


* Beta Version: smartphone support only.

What’s New in Sparky Lock

  1. - Added New Themes: Winter and Green Cube!
  2. - Added Italian language support.
  3. - Fixed issue with Wind Queen not sliding to shortcuts sometimes.
  4. - Fixed random crash on some phone models.
Sparky Lock Screen - screenshot Sparky Lock Screen - screenshot Sparky Lock Screen - screenshot Sparky Lock Screen - screenshot 



1. Click on the download links
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on

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