Sunday, 2 February 2014

Armor for Android™ Security v2.1.6.2 paid Antivirus free

"Armor for Android™" is the world's best paid Anti Virus and Privacy App, and the world's most comprehensive suite of Android power user tools.

Armor for Android provides access to our world-class Cloud Antivirus Database, which contains data on over 1.2 million android apps and over 10,000 active android specific threats (viruses, malware, ad ware, Trojans, and other apps exhibiting suspicious or harmful behavior.) We believe our database houses a more comprehensive set of android specific threat definitions than any other Antivirus app for Android. And that our extensive set of helpful tools in the Advanced Version is one-of-a-kind in the Android world. Unbeatable value!

Utilizing our proprietary Total Mobile Safety™ technology and Cloud Antivirus Database, your phone will be safe 24/7. Armor for Android will automatically protect your Android without slowing it down or draining your battery.

Armor for Android also provides access to a complete security and privacy audit of the permissions of all apps on your device, and to Privacy Protector which makes clearing sensitive personal data from device history and logs easy.

Armor for Android has a host of additional convenient security features, as well as an extensive set of time saving, power user features including Memory Booster, Easy Uninstaller, Safe Installer, Task Killer, and more!

Also Included are: Signal Booster for Android™, Cloud Backup for Android™, Phone Tracker for Android™, and Number Blacklister for Android™. All "must have" features for your Android.

What's New:- 

Updates to the Backup Feature.
General improvements.
Armor for Android™ Antivirus - screenshot Armor for Android™ Antivirus - screenshot Armor for Android™ Antivirus - screenshot Armor for Android™ Antivirus - screenshot

TAG:- Armor for Android™ Security antivirus free,Armor for Android™ Security antivirus full version free,Armor for Android™ Security antivirus apk free.

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